Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Octagonal Prism (Dream Puzzler)In a package labeled as "Dream Puzzler"
Octagonal Prism (Mini Puzzle - 30 mm)This one come in two different cases, one with a key chain attached to it.

Octagonal Prism (Original Toys)The Original Toys version.
Octagonal Prism (P.G.Co Puzzle)Probably an official reproduction of the Rubik's Cube.
Octagonal Prism (Red)This is a standard sized Octagonal Prism with red plastic instead of black.

Octagonal Prism (SISO)Another octagonal prism. This time a version from the german based company SISO.
Octagonal Prism (Wonderful Puzzler)The standard Wonderful Puzzler version, packaged in a cardboard box or various cylindrical domes.
Octagonal Prism - Dream PuzzleAnother 3x3x3 in shape of an octagonal prism. In normal size.

Octagonal Prism Key ChainAt 30 mm, this key chain version is approximately half the size of the standard version.
Octahedron 3x3x3 aka Greenhills octahedronAnthony Greenhill's octahedron build-up of a 3x3x3 cube.
Octahedron AxisA 3x3x3 was transformed into an Axis Cube which was transformed into an octahedron.

Octahedron WindmillA Trajbers Octahedron twisted by several degrees along its main axis.
Octaprism IA 3x3x3 "fishered" within an octagonal prism.
Octopus attackA 3x3x3 puzzle under attack of an octopus.

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