Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Axis CubeA 3x3x3 with the cutting planes rotated by 60� around a corner.
Axis CuboctahedronAn "axised" 3x3x3 cuboctahedron.
Axis Cutter CubeCombination of Axis Cube and Cutter Cube

Axis DodecahedronA dodecahedron 3x3x3 "axised" within its solid.
Axis Esférico HollowAn axis cube in shape of a sphere, implemented with the inventors concept of hollow pieces.
Axis GyroidAn axis cube covered with Gyroid pieces.

Axis HouseThe concept of the 3x3x3 house but applied to an axis cube
Axis IcosahedronA 3x3x3 transformed into the shape of an icosaheron but not "regularly" oriented.
Axis Icosahedron IIAn icosahedral 3x3x3 "axised" within its solid.

Axis IllusionA cleverly restickered Axis Cube.
Axis Illusion cubeThe inverse concept to the Axis Illusion. A 3x3x3 stickered to look like an Axis Cube.
Axis PenroseAn axis cube transformed into the shape of a Penrose Cube

Axis Rhombic DodecahedronAn Axis Cube truncated into a rhombic dodecahedron.
Axis TetrahedronA tetrahedral 3x3x3 "axised" within its solid.
Axis Twist BarrelAn Axis Cube halfway modified into a cylinder and twisted at the same time.

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