Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Dali EggAn egg customly painted, inspired a painting from Salvador Dali.
Dalmation CubeMini cube

Dark StarA mass produced Axis cube repainted to resemble a black hole.
Darth Vader3D printed 3x3x3 in shape of Darth Vader's head.
Datura CubeA Pandora Cube truncated into a ten sided solid akin a diamond.

Dave's Diamond 3x3x3A 3x3x3 version of Dave's Diamond.
Deceptive Fused CubesLooks like a Fused Cube but is a 3x3x3 with additional cubies glued on.
Deceptive Siamese CubesLooks like a Siamese Cube but is a 3x3x3 with additional cubies glued on.

Deep Uniaxial 3x3x3Not a bandaged 5x5x5 but a 3x3x3 with strangely displaced cuts.
Deformed 3x3x3 centrosphereA spherical 3x3x3 with the corners enlarged to form a frame that gives the appearance of a 2x2x2.
Deltoidal Icositetrahedron 3x3x3A 3x3x3 transformed into the name giving shape.

Dennys Bandaged Cube 1A bandaged 3x3x3 with six bonds in three blocks.
Dennys Bandaged Cube 2A bandaged 3x3x3 with ten bonds in three blocks.
Dennys Bandaged Cube 4A bandaged 3x3x3 with four bonds and two bridges.

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