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Magic Ball (Mundial fotball Spain 1982)Variant of Rubiks Sphere made for the Soccer World Cup 1982 in Spain.
Magic Ball (aka Rubik's Sphere) - 58 mmOne of the spherical Rubiks cubes produced during the original cube craze. A derivative of the Wonderful Puzzler.
Magic Ball (aka Rubik's Sphere) - 75 mmOne of the spherical Rubiks cubes produced during the original cube craze. A derivative of the Wonderful Puzzler.

Magic Ball (aka Rubik's Sphere) - 98 mmOne of the spherical Rubiks cubes produced during the original cube craze. A derivative of the Wonderful Puzzler.
Magic Ball (white)A white version of the Magic Ball with white body.
Magic Cube & Mini CubeGenerally available at Walgreen's during the past few years.

Magic Cube (logical games)Exactly like a standard Rubik's Cube, except the plastic is white. Sold in 1979!
Magic Cube IThis is one of the lowest quaility knock offs I've ever seen.
Magic Cube IIAnother "Magic Cube" knock-off.

Magic Cube IVRhetoric question: And why shouldn't they use the same name everyone else used?
Magic Cube Puzzle (leading edge)Another cloned 3x3x3 with a very unimaginative name.

Magic Cube Puzzle - Pentangle IIProduced in Hungary. Distributed in the UK by Pentangle in 1979. The second packaging.
Magic Cube VYet another "Magic Cube".
Magic Cube for DummiesOne of the single colour cubes sold during the original cube craze. This came in at least three colours.

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