Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

ComGenex Cube Combinatorial chemsitry training tool and promotional item
Compass CubeA strangely bandaged 3x3x3. It unintentionally is the first physical implementation of something very close to the imaginary pieces.
Compass RoseA 3x3x3 in a shape close to the stellated octahedron.

Compound-2-BallsA 3x3x3 which looks as if two spheres were fused into one solid.
Computer game Midi CubeA Midi Cube depicting old video games

Compy IllusionA 3x3x3 that pretends to be a Compy Cube.
ConanA large cube (85 mm) advertising for the daily show of Conan O'Brien.
Concave 3x3x3A mass produced stickerless concave 3x3x3

Concave barrel cubeThis is a barrel with a concave shape in the laterals.
ConcentricubeA cube with stickers that show differently-sized concentric shapes.

Concussion CubeA shape variant of the extended-only 3x3x5. It inverts the capsule cube.

Cone 3x3x3A 3x3x3 from casted pieces in shape of a cone.
Confused UfoA 3x3x3 truncated in different ways.
Conjoined Fisher cubeTwo Fisher Cubes glued together thereby reimplementing Fused Cubes with internal twists.

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