Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
SpicaTwo intersecting circle turning by 45°, without jumbling.
SpireA 8 piece puck in shape of a triangle.
SplatA hexagonal dipyramid 3x3x3 customly coloured like two splats of colour.

Splintered PrismA one-layered prism with stored cuts that can be used only after 90°-turns.
Split 1x2x3 IIA 1x2x3 where the corners are split up by two planes.
Split 1x2x3 IIIA 1x2x3 with split edges. The concept of Square-1 turned upside down.

Split 1x2x3 PlusA 1x2x3 where the corner pieces were split several times.
Split 1x2x5A 1x2x5 with eight additional cuts (all on one dimension) and therefore a lot more positions.
Split 1x3x4A 1x3x4-cuboid with two set of pieces split up.

Split 2x3x3 IcosahedronA Split 2x3x3 transformed into an icosahedron.
Split 3x3x4A 3x3x4-cuboid which pieces are split up.
Split Crazy 1x2x3A Crazy 1x2x3 where several pieces were split up.

Split Dino Pentagonal BifrustumA jumbling-only puzzle with three different types of turns.
Split Fracture-10The Fracture-10 with additional cuts.
Split Fracture-6A Fracture-6 with an additional cut between the two 3-fold corners.

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