Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Hyper Crazy 2x3x3A Crazy 2x3x3 with two additional circles.
Hyper LooperThree circles on one line, each allowing 180� turns with very deep intersections.
I-Cube Bumpoid 4x5x5A 5x5x5 cube "bumped," the top two layers glued, then 3D printed extensions added to the sides.

IQ LollyA set of three puzzles differing only in size and the number of tiles.
Ico-ZebraA nine-axes turning Icosahedron, using a geometry developed by Diogo Sousa.
Ico_PrideA small modification of the shape of an icosamate that is intended as a gesture in favour of freedom, diversity and tolerance.

IcosaFlowerA puzzle equivalent to the Alexander's Star but with wavy-style cuts.
Icosahedron 2x3x3A 2x3x3 in the shape of the namegiving solid.
Icosahedron SkewbA skewb transformed into an icosahedron but with tilted axis system.

IcosamoidA corner turning pentagonal anti prism with curvy cuts.
Icosidodecahedron Master PentultimateA Master Pentultimate in shape of the namegiving archimedean solid.
Icositetraedro PentagonalA Skewb transformed into the shape of an Pentagonal icositetrahedron, a catalan solid.

Identity CrisisA megaminx-like puzzle transformed into the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron. It uses spherical cuts.
Indalo CubeA Bed cube painted by hand to resemble the lucky symbol of the province of Almería, (Andalucia, España).
Infernal TrinketThe easiest face turning pentagonal dipyramid, yet implemented.

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