Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
PyraTorusThe 2nd iteration fo the Menger Sponge turned into a puzzle.
PyrabrickA fishered Halper-Meier-Tetrahedron.
PyramickOn one side of this puzzle it pretends to be the Gimmick. On the other it reveals itself as a Pyraminx in shape of a triangular prism with edges that turn.

Pyramid SunriseA Square-1-II in of a tetrahedron.
Pyramids 6-CompoundA 3x3x3 in a shape made from 6 square pyramids fused into one solid.
Pyraminx DodecahedronA dodecahedral skewb with deeper cuts than the origin, but in which not all the pieces are visible.

Pyraminx Magic Barrel (Junior)A reduced cylindrical triangular prism. It was realized 41 years after its announcement.
PyramiumSix intersecting circles rotatable in four steps.
Quadratic prismA 3x3x3 with two axes restricted to 180� turns but still looking like a 3x3x3.

QuadrocollideThree circles of different sizes, all of which rotate by 90° and intersect.
Quaffle BallA sphere with four dents, inspired by the Quidditch ball from the Harry Potter series.
Quantum EntanglementFour 2x2x2s arranged in tetrahedral shape. Every side's rotation is linked to the rotation of another cube.

Quartered Edges 2x3x3A 2x3x3 with edges cut into quarters. Could be viewed as a bandaged 6x6x6.
RCP CentroidA 3x3x3 in the shape of four intersecting cylinders.
RD PentultimateA Pentultimate in shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.

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