Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Changing)
4x4x4 Crazy Ghost CubeA ghosted variant of the Crazy 4x4x4.
4x4x4 Fisher cubeA fishered 4x4x4.
4x4x4 Halfish CubeA mixture of two unchanged layers and two fishered (twisted by 45°) layers.

4x4x4 Mixup Plus CubeA mass produced Mixup Cube. Compared with the "3x3x3"-variant three rings are further split up.
4x4x4 Spiral CubeA 4x4x4 shaped to resemble a spiral. All four layers are different.
5x5x5 2 Solutions Mirror BlocksA sticker variant of a 5x5x5 Mirror Block puzzle which leads into a puzzle with two solutions.

5x5x5 Double Axis CubeA higher order version of the original Double Axis cube.
5x5x5 Fisher CubeA 5x5x5 in turned by 45� inside of its solid, thereby recreating the Fisher Cube.
5x5x5 Mirror Horror HollowA Horror 5x5x5 reimplemented with hollow pieces glued on.

5x5x5 Mirror Tilt cubeA 5x5x5 with 3D printed extensions to give every piece an individual shape.
5x5x5 MixupA much simpler try on the mixup concept with a higher order cube.
6.5 Axis CubeA mixture of cubic 3x3x5 and cubic 3x3x7 turned into a pattern and modified back into cubic shape.

6x6x6 Fisher CubeA 6x6x6 is fishered which means it was turnd inside its solid by 45°.
6x6x6 Ghost cubeThe higher order brother of the Ghost Cube. Made from a 6x6x6.
6x6x6 Mirror Blocks (aka Devil's Blocks)Fully functional 6x6x6 Mirror Blocks.

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