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Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Changing)
Fisher Curvy CopterA fishered version of the curvy copter.
Fisher Curvy Copter IIIA shape variant of the Curvy Copter III
Fisher Curvy Copter PlusA fishered (the axis system turned by 45° inside its solid) version of the Curvy Copter Plus.

Fisher Cutter CubeThe concept of the Wall cube implemented with a Fisher 3x3x3.
Fisher HexaminxA fishered Hexaminx, a Hexaminx twisted inside of its solid by 45°.
Fisher Ivy CubeInspired by the Ivy Cubes this is a Pyracue implemented with curvy cuts.

Fisher Mirror CubeA Fisher Cube elongated on one side and truncated on the opposite.
Fisher Mirror Cube IIA fully bumped Fisher Cube with really unequal cut patterns.
Fisher Redi CubeA fishered Redi Cube.

Fisher Rex CubeA fishered version of a Rex Cube
Fisher Square-1A Square-1 twisted by 45° inside its solid.
Fisher Square-equalThe Square-equal twisted inside its solid by 45°.

Fisher pocket cubeA Corner Pocket that was fishered and bumped.
Fisher's Golden CubeAll the stickers on this 78 mm modified Skewb are the same reflective golden colour. There is only one solution.
Fishercross 3x3x5The cubic 3x3x5 with eight flipped edges and fishered.

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