Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Changing)
Pentomino cubeA prism with two 3x3-layers and one pentagonal layer in the middle.
Perez' Square-1A fishered and restickered version of Square-1.
Persistence of Mastery (POM4)An "axised" Crazy 4x4x4 II.

Petal PerplexA 2x2x2 plus a face turning tetrakis hexahedron plus some turns only possible in midturn. All in shape of a cube.
Phantom Square-1A Square-1 redesigned with a twist inside its solid and some measures to hide the changes.
Pillowed HexaminxA pillowed version of the Hexaminx.

Pink Floyd albumsA Windmill Wall Cube covered with album covers from Pink Floyd.
Pink GearsA sticker variant of the Gear Cube Extreme to make the puzzle easier. It is still not trival though.
Plane Bump Square-1A Square-1 "bumped" in one direction. The puzzle's center was moved away from the solids center along one axis.

Platinum Cube Also known as "Master Golden Cube". A Master Skewb transformed like the Golden Cube.
Pocket horrorA Corner Pocket transformed like a Bump Cube with two solutions.
Pocket mirror cubeThis puzzle combines the concepts of Corner Pocket and Bump cube.

Pointless ghost cubeA ghosted 1x2x2
Polyaxis Cube 2x2x2A 2x2x2 with the axis system twisted inside the cube. In this case the cube was rotated by 30° around one corner.
Portal InfernoThe concept of the Bump Cube applied to the Pentacle cube.

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