Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Six-Sided: Cube (Shape Changing)
Mirror Camouflage 2x3x4A Camouflage 2x3x4 recreated as a Bump puzzles
Mirror Camouflage 2x4x4A Camouflage 2x4x4 recreated as a Bump puzzles
Mirror Camouflage 3x3x3A Camouflage 3x3x3 recreated as a Bump puzzles

Mirror Camouflage 3x3x4A Camouflage 3x3x4 recreated as a Bump puzzles
Mirror Camouflage 3x4x4A Camouflage 3x4x4 recreated as a Bump puzzles
Mirror Chest SkewbA Treasure Skewb transformed into a "bump"ed variant.

Mirror Crono cubeA bumped version of the crono cube which is a bandaged 3x3x3.
Mirror Curvy CopterA Curvy Copter Plus that was bumped aka moved inside its solid.
Mirror DecoradoA Bump Cube covered with white swarovski crystals.

Mirror MirrorA Bump Cube covered with real mirrors truncated by hand.
Mirror ShiftThe bumped version of the Gear Shift
Mirror Square-1The concepts of Mirror Blocks (aka: Bump Cube) and Square-1 combined in one puzzle.

Mirrored Fisher Corner Pocket CubeA reimplemented fishered and bumped Corner Pocket with two small differences compared with the first model.
Misaligned Thomas CubeA Thomas Cube in midtwist (by 120°) and then appropriately restickered.
Mixup 2x4x4Looks like a 2x4x4 but like the Mixup Cube allows strange moves.

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