Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Redi OctaA Redi Cube transformed into an octahedron.
Redi TetraA Redi Cube transformed into a tetrahedron.
Redi TriakisOctaA Redi Cube transformed into a triakis octahedron.

Redi statA Redi Cube truncated into an inverted cube.
Reuleaux Mastermorphix Corner Pocket CubeThe Corner Pocket transformed into a tetrahedron with the smaller pieces on the tips.
Rex HeptahedronCorner turning pentonal prism with somewhat different piece types. A jumbling-only puzzle.

Rex Kite CubeA hybrid puzzle combining a Rex Cube with a very deep cut 3x3x3
Rex-Raptor-EvolutionA corner turning hexahedron. Very similar to the Raptor Cube
Rex-Raptor-Evolution SkewbA corner turning hexahedron with three cuts per axis. It combines the Skewb with the Rex-Raptor-Evolution.

Rex-Windmilled Square-0A puzzle topologically identical to the "Compass Sierra Nevada", with a cuboid shape.
RexcageA Rex Cube with an additional type of corner but not the ones of the Master Skewb.
Rhombic Dodecahedron 3x3x3 Corner Pocket CubeThe concept of the Corner Pocket implemented on a Rhombic Dodecahedron 3x3x3.

Rhombic Dodecahedron KilominxA Kilominx in shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.
Rhombic SupernovaA rhombic dodecahedron with a hybrid axis system combining six cuts of two different types.
Rigel2A direct successor of Rigel from the same designer.

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