Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

4x4x4 Cursed MirrorThe "bump"ed variant of the Evil Twin 4x4x4.
4x4x4 Hexagonal Ghost CubeThe ghosted variant of the Master Hexagonal Prism.
4x4x4 Lotus BallA 4x4x4 with 3D printed extensions transforming it into a star supposed to resemble a Lotus flower.

4x4x4 Thanos A 4x4x4 shaped like the villain from the marvel franchise.
4x4x8 (extended)A bandaged 8x8x8 with 3D printed extensions.
5x5x5 Burr MirrorThe Wall5 combined with the concept of the Bump Cube.

5x5x5 Mirror Horror HollowA Horror 5x5x5 reimplemented with hollow pieces glued on.
5x5x9 (extended)A bandaged 9x9x9 with 3D printed extensions.
5x7x7 (extended)A bandaged 7x7x7 with 3D printed extensions.

5x7x9 (cubic)A bandaged 9x9x9 with 3D printed extensions. Preserved in cubic shape.
6 Arrow Cube 5x5x5A 5x5x5 with several stickers removed to give the impression of six arrows.
6 Colours Cylinder CubeA cylindrical 3x3x3 stickered with six colours to transform it into something close to a Super Cube.

6 Colours Merged Triangles CubeSix small stickers on each side, in six colours in total, make up a complete 3x3x3.
6x10x10A square cuboid with odd dimensions.
6x6x10A bandaged 10x10x10 with 3D printed extensions.

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