Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Block 222 CubeA 4x4x4 with one bandaged block that can't be emulated with a Siamese cube.
Block 224A 5x5x5 bandaged with one single block sized 2x2x4.
Block 233A 5x5x5 bandaged with one single block sized 2x3x3.

Bob Esponja MirrorA 2x2x2, bumped, modelled after Spongebob and painted colourfully.
Boldly GoA 3x3x3 bandaged like a Fused Cube and pictures of four starships from Star Trek TNG.
Boomdas4Sixteen pieces in a 2D puzzle almost arbitrarily shiftable against each other.

Broken FloppyA Floppy Cube in an elongated but rounded shape, stickered to resemble broken glass.
Bruce WillisA 2x2x2 in shape of the retired actor.
Bubble SkewbA variant of the Six Spot Cube with holes in the circular pieces.

BubblimedeanA corner turning truncated octahedron with boublesized cuts.
BulbasaurA 2x2x2 redesigned to resemble the character from the Pokemon franchise.
Bump Crazy 2x3x3The mirror-ed cousin if the Crazy 2x3x3.

Button Cube 12 1/2A version with twelve buttons all split into halves.
Button Cube 12 1/4A version with twelve buttons all split into qaurters.
Byzantine CrossA 3x3x3 covered with six byzantine crosses with differently coloured gems.

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