Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Hedgehog HeartA 2x2x2 redesigned into a hedgehog holding a heart.
Hex Prism 1 Corner Pocket CubeA Hex Prism 1 bandaged like the 3 Quads, 3 Stripes.
Hex Prism 1 Face Pocket CubeA Hex Prism 1 bandaged like the 3 Quads, 3 Stripes.

Hexa StarA two-layered prism with three cuts, in shape of a hexagonal star.
Hexagonal BoxA two-layered prism with three cuts, in shape of a hexagonal prism.
Hexakite PlusA 2x3x3 Hexamixup shape transformed into a deltoidal icositetrahedron.

Hexpoint cubeA sticker variant based on hexagonal shapes.
HexsonicA bandaged variant of the puzzler.
IcosatomicA hybrid of face and corner turning icosahedron.

InfinicubeTen infinity smybols are spread around a 3x3x3. Half turns do not affect the solved state.
Infinity SpinnerA newly mass produced version of Kosmicheski Orbity, very close to Moeraki Nr.3

InvadersA Penrose Pyraminx with the theme of space aliens.
Irregular Puzzler 2.1The Irregular Puzzler with a third additional circle.
Irregular Puzzler 2.2The Irregular Puzzler with a third additional circle.

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