Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly modified with 3D printed extensions
3x5x7 Tilt MirrorA 3x5x7 with 3D printed extensions to give every piece an individual shape.
3x5x7 bump cuboidA 3x5x7 bump cuboid (mirror blocks) made with 3D printed extensions.
3x6x8A 8x8x8 bandaged and extended with 3D printed pieces to resemble a 3x6x8.

3x7x11Extensions glued onto a cube an thereby bandaged into a cuboid.
3x7x7 (Steinmetz)A 3x7x7 in a shape resembling the Steinmetz solid.
3x7x9A bandaged 9x9x9 with 3D printed extensions.

3x9x11A bandaged 11x11x11 with 3D printed extensions.
4x4x4 AI Esférico HollowAn AI Cube shaped like a sphere, achieved by cage-like extensions.
4x4x4 Axis BarrelA 4x4x4 "axis"ed and transformed into the shape of a cylinder.

4x4x4 Cube XA 4x4x4 transformed into the shape of a X
4x4x4 Esf�rico HollowA 4x4x4 shaped like a sphere, achieved by cage-like extensions.
4x4x4 GyroidA 4x4x4 covered with Gyroid pieces

4x4x4 Lotus BallA 4x4x4 with 3D printed extensions transforming it into a star supposed to resemble a Lotus flower.
4x4x4 Mirror HollowA 4x4x4 Mirror reimplemented with hollow pieces glued on.
4x4x4 Mirror Ilusion InsideA 4x4x4 with extensions printed in 3D to create the effect that there is a 3x3x3 inside a 4x4x4.

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