Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly modified with 3D printed extensions
2x2x2 RegaloA 2x2x2 decorated like a gift box
2x2x2 Tiles InversosA 2x2x2 with tiles glued on that are shaped like inverse blind pieces.
2x2x2 Viva MéxicoA 2x2x2 shaped like letters spelling Viva Mexico

2x2x3 AntiprismA 2x2x3 transformed into the shape of a square antiprism.
2x2x3 BajoA 2x2x3 shaped like a bass guitar
2x2x3 Barrel HollowA 2x2x3 shaped like a cylinder with the inventors concept of hollow pieces.

2x2x3 Barrel SliceA 2x2x3 transformed into a barrel with a solved position in midturn.
2x2x3 Búho de FútbolA 2x2x3 transformed into the logo of a soccer team in Chile
2x2x3 Candy CornA 2x2x3 transformed into the shape of a candy corn

2x2x3 Fight Club SoapA 2x2x3 redesigned to resemble the iconic soap bar from the namegiving movie.
2x2x3 Lily Wang 813A 2x2x3 with Lily Wang's Logo
2x2x3 Logo Cube Lover 520A 2x2x3 with the logo of Cube Lover 520, a fellow collector.

2x2x3 Mirror HorrorA Bump 2x2x3 with horror stickers
2x2x3 Mu�eco de nieveA 2x2x3 transformed into the shape of a snowman
2x2x3 big deep fishA 2x2x3 redesigned into a fish directly from the deep sea.

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