Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly modified with 3D printed extensions
Pyramid Pentahedron Tower (Windmill)A Skewb transformed into a pyramid with a square base resembling a Windmill Cube.
Pyraminx GyroidA Pyraminx covered with Gyroid pieces
Pyrastar CubeA 4x4x4 (better: Axismorphix) transformed into the shape of a stellated octahedron.

Quarantine cubeA bandaged house cube with custom sticker pattern.
RealhorrorA Bump Cube with holes on the outer shell and two solutions.
Red SkullA 2x2x2 in shape of the head of the marvel villain.

Rex Chamfer BallA Rex Cube with custom 3D printed pieces that give it the shape of a chamfered dodecahedron.
Rhombic Dodecahedron KilominxA Kilominx in shape of a rhombic dodecahedron.
RhombicosacronA skewb in the shape of the namegiving solid.

RhombidodecadodecahedronA Masterball in the shape of the namegiving solid which is Wenninger solid 76.
Rick Sanchez 2x2x2A 2x2x2 redesigned into the namegiving character.
Rotated Witeden334 cubeA Witeden Camouflage 3x3x4 in shape of a cube rotated inside the solid.

Royal CubillusionThe (hopefully) biggest brother of the Cubillusion.
Schildkr�te3D printed pieces glued onto a 1x2x3 giving it the shape of a turtle.

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