Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly modified with 3D printed extensions
Dode-Ghost 5x5x5A Ghost 5x5x5 in shape of a dodecahedron.
Domino Shark3D printed extensions on a 2x3x3 create this snappish object.
Door's OctahedronA Masterball in shape of an octahedron.

Dragon 2x2x2A 2x2x2 customly redesigned into a large dragon head including smoke coming from its mouth.
Drilled Truncated DodecahedronA skewb with 3D printed extensions to give it the shape of the name giving solid.
Dual Fisher 5x5x5 CubeThe concept of the Slice Cube applied to a 5x5x5.

DustbrainA 2x2x2 in shape of the head of the Madballs character
Elefant3D printed pieces glued onto a 1x2x3 giving it the shape of an elephant.
Elephant 1x2x5A 1x2x5 in shape of an elephant.

Ennis CubeA 5x5x5 covered with 3D printed plates to transform it into something resembling the Ennis House.
Escudo EslovaquiaA 2x2x3 redesigned into the coat of arms of the client's home country.
Felix the catA 2x2x2 redesigned into a the cartoon character of the same name.

Fisch3D printed pieces glued onto a 2x2x3 giving it the shape of a fish.
Fisher 2 solutionsA Fisher Cube with holes on the outer shell and two solutions.
Fractal 2x2x2A 2x2x2 in a 2x2x2 in a 2x2x2.

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