Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly modified with 3D printed extensions
Spherical Mirror 2x2x2A 2x2x2 bumped and reshaped into a sphere.
SpidermanA 2x2x2 in shape of Spidermans head.
Splitted 2x2x4A Masterball transformed into a fully proportional 2x2x4.

Square-1 AntiprismaA Square-1 transformed into the shape of a square antiprism.
Square-1 Axis BarrelA Square-1 "axis"ed and transformed into a cylinder.
Square-1 GyroidA Square-1 covered with Gyroid pieces

Square-1 Mirror BarrelA Square-1 bump and transformed into a cylinder.
Square-1 Mirror HollowA bump Square-1 reimplemented with the inventors concept of hollow pieces.
Square-1 PillA Square-1 transformed into the shape of a pill

Square-2 BarrelCylindrical version of the Square-2 Shift.
Square-2 Shift CubeA Square-2 with a non-skewed central cut but put in midturn
Squirtle pokemon 2x2x2A 2x2x2 transformed and painted into a character from the pokemon franchise.

Stealth 3x4x5The concept of the Camouflage Cube applied to a 5x5x5 which now pretends to be a 3x4x5.
Stellation of Pentagonal IcositetrahedronA skewb transformed into the namegiving shape.
Stier3D printed pieces glued onto a skewb giving it the shape of a bull.

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