Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
SadalmelikSix circles which allow turns of 180�.
Sando RingSimilar to a King Ring. With touchable symbols.
Screw EnigmaEngel's Enigma with an additional dimension because of a screw like mechanism.

SemiCollideFive circle of different sizes, all of which rotate by 90°.
ShatkonaTwo circles turning in steps of 60° with one plunger for intersecting pieces.
ShaulaThree intersecting circles each with three steps and with different distances between the centers. All that with a doctrinaire puzzle.

Shaula 2An unbandaged version of Shaula.
SheliakThree intersecting circles and one plunger moving half of the puzzle in steps of one and two.
Sheliak÷3Three intersecting circles split horizontally by three plungers.

SheratanTwo intersecting circles. The smaller one turning in steps of 180°, the larger turning in steps of 120°. The circles intersect extremely deeply.
Side ViewMechanically this is a simple puzzle with four intersecting circles. Innovative is the fact that one can only see the side of the pieces which is still enough to solve it.
SiriusTwo intersecting circles with 147 pieces, named after the brightest binary star system on the sky.

Sirius 3The Sirius implemented anew with a third circle.
Sirius2Sirius with one piece type less than the first version.
Slice RuleThree plungers and one circle intersect and make 15 pieces move around.

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