Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Puzzler - TrioEquivalent to the Trio but akin the various versions of the Puzzler.
PyramiumSix intersecting circles rotatable in four steps.
Quadrastic-4A variant of the Tetrakium bandaged in a highly symmetrical fashion.

QuadriA very rare version of the original Swissmad. It presumably never made it into production.
QuadrismFive circles rotating by 90°, one of them spanning almost the whole puzzle.
Quadro 3An redesigned and improved version of Slide Rule Duel.

QuadrocollideThree circles of different sizes, all of which rotate by 90° and intersect.
Quadruple DiskTwo Double Disks fused into one puzzle.
Rack 'Em Up (Milton Bradley)Milton Bradley version. Organize the 16 pieces into rows.

Rack 'Em Up (Tomy)Tomy version. Organize the 16 thingies into rows.
Radio PlaneFive intersecting circles in a pentagonal pattern
RadiowavesFive circles (three concentric) of different sizes, all of which rotate by 180°.

Radosza's RingsA heavily simplified relative of the Equator.
Rainbow AreciboSix intersecting circles turning in steps of 120�.
Rainbow Arecibo PlusSeven (not six) intersecting circles turning in steps of 60�.

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