Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Orbital PuzzleThree intersecting rings in a 2D-puzzle of soviet origin.
Ordinary RingThe Binary Ring reduced to one ring.
OrionA puzzle with 25 circles and 60 pieces.

Orion (Mako)Six intersecting circles rotatable in steps of 120°
Orion-14Four intersecting circles (in steps of 90°) in a 2D-puzzle of soviet origin.
Orlov TwoTwo circles and irregular center pieces.

Orlov fourThe successor of the Orlov with four gears, even with the same middle pieces.
Orlov gearInspired by the gear puzzles from Douglas Engel. Three circles and irregular center pieces.
Outlander 2D-1First member of the outlander family, puzzles with intersecting circles based on a rune known from the Outlander movie.

Outlander 2D-180A variation of the Outlander 2D-1 model which has now been made symmetrical.
Outlander 2D-2Second member of the outlander family, puzzles with intersecting circles based on a rune known from the Outlander movie.
Outlander 2D-3Third member of the outlander family, puzzles with intersecting circles based on a rune known from the Outlander movie.

Outlander 2D-3 PlusA small transformation of the Outlander 2D-3. 3 pieces have been added, adding 3 new axes.
Outlander 2D-4Fourth member of the outlander family, puzzles with intersecting circles based on a rune known from the Outlander movie.
Outlander 2D-90A variation of the Outlander 2D-1 model which has now has 4 corners.

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