Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Irregular Puzzler 2.0Two intersecting circles with irregular angles between steps.
Irregular Puzzler 2.1The Irregular Puzzler with a third additional circle.
Irregular Puzzler 2.2The Irregular Puzzler with a third additional circle.

Irregular Puzzler 2.3The Irregular Puzzler with two additional circles.
ItaliaTwo rotating circles and one plunger make up the italian flag.
IzarFour intersecting circles in a jumbling puzzle. Two turns in five steps. Two in irrational angles.

Japanese Puzzle AvengerA japanese derivate of the Puzzle Avenger.
Jumble CloudA 2D-jumbling puzzle to make many others obsolete.
KPANEXTowers of Hanoi reimplemented in a surprising manner.

KaleidoscopeA moveable plunger intersecting with a rotating circle.
Kaleidoscope-3Four circles of tiles with two centres and turns in 120°.
Kaleidoscope-4Four circles of tiles with two centres.

Kamennyi TsvetokSix intersecting circles (in steps of 120°) in a 2D-puzzle of soviet origin.
Kangoeroe PuzzlerA newly coloured version of the classic Puzzler.
Keid 3Three circles turning in steps of 180° and one central circle to exchange pieces between them.

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