Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Farmland GearA puzzle with intersecting circles. Compared with similar circles this puzzle has additional gears inside the big square-like pieces.
Firebolt pillA cylinder with 4*8 tiles which can be moved in two completely different ways.
Five by FiveA custom made larger version of Tsukuda Square

Five past EightA ringe of twelve tiles plus three stored tiles which can be exchanged against some of the ring but only simultanously.
Flip-SideTen tiles, one rotatable plane and two additional plungers.
Flower CrystalSeven circles intersecting in a pattern that creates just two pieces.

FluorineTwo intersecting circles. One rotates in full after 9 turns and the other one rotates in full after 3 turns.
FomalhautTwo circles with different degree of rotation in a puzzle that is still doctrinaire.
ForamenCombines two intersecting circles with one plunger.

Four SeasonsTwo orthogonal plungers and one rotating circle.
Four by Four (spanish)Alternative version of the Tsukuda Square, made for the spanish market.
Four by four - AnimalsAlternative versions of Tsukuda square with a several animals instead of coloured or numbered pieces.

Fractal FlakesSix intersecting circles, five small ones in steps of four, one in steps of five.
Fractal TwistFour intersecting circles with growing diameter. Turns of 180° are possible at any time.
GacruxTwo intersecting circles with eightfold turns but not in steps of 45�. A jumbling-only puzzle.

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