Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly 3D printed
Pentagonal 3x3x5A fully functional pentagonal prism with five layers.
Pentagonal QuadrangleA two-layered prism with 72°-turns at the four arms.
Pentagonal prism (6 layers)A fully functional prism with pentagonal shape and 6 layers high.

Pentahedron Square 1 mirrorA Square-1 transformed into the shape of a triangular prism but with a Reuleaux triangle. All that with an additional Bump.
PentatrisA megaminx in shape of a pentagonal antiprism.
PentaxonThree intersecting circles. The eccessively large one turns in steps of 180°, the two small ones turn in steps of 72°.

PentoidA deeper cut pentagonal prism with three layers.
Pentoid PlusA deeper cut pentagonal prism with three layers. The middle layer is cut into twenty segments.
Pentulti-CuboctahedronA Pentultimate transformed into the shape of a Cuboctahedron.

Pentultimate Deltoidal HexecontahedronA transformation of a pentultimate in the shape of a deltoidal hexecontahedron, a catalan solid.
Pentultimate StarA Pentultimate in the shape of the first stellated icosidodecahedron.
Phantom Square-1A Square-1 redesigned with a twist inside its solid and some measures to hide the changes.

Philae lander 2x2x2A customly printed model of the Philae lander which was part of the Rosetta probe.
Phone Case Puzzle v1A phone case with an integrated puzzle.
Photonic CrystalThe Trapentrix with even deeper cuts, a doctrinaire puzzle with two threefold turns.

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