Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Heaven's EyesA face turning rhombic dodecahedron made with pieces designed for a different puzzles.
Helicopter Dodecahedron (MF8)This puzzle tries to reimplement the Helicopter Cube in a dodecahedron.
IcosaixA face turning icosahedron. Not the first one but the first to reveal the jumbling geometry of this type of puzzles.

IcosamateA Pentultimate in shape of an icosahedron. A deepcut corner turning icosahedron.
Jumble PrismAn idea of Bram Cohen finally comes to life after 5 years.
MF8 Square-1MF8s version from 2007. Produced in five different colours.

Master Face Turning OctahedronCorrectly proportional Master (4-layer) Face Turning Octahedron.
Master KilominxA face turning dodecahedron with only 4 pieces along one edge.
More MadnessThe deeper cut cousin of the Meteor Madness. A jumbling-only puzzle.

Multi Crazy Pyraminx CrystalThe Multi version of Crazy Pyraminx Crystal. The inner pieces of Crazy Pyraminx Crystal are present but visible only through the holes.
MultidodecahedronThe all-in-one face turning dodecahedron which collects all the pieces of the Megaminx and Master Pentultimate.
PentagramA corner turning dodecahedron.

PentultimateThe deepcut face turning dodecahedron.
PetaminxAt the time it was the most valuable puzzle known to exist. What else can somebody say about a puzzle sold for $3550?
Philosopher's StoneThe third Multidodecahedron. Without the original webs but in the original doecahedral shape. Went into mass production.

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