Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Curvy Dino MegaminxA corner turning dodecahedron with five layers per axis.
Curvy StarminxA face turning dodecahedron with a mixture of pieces from other puzzles with this axis system.
DeCETHDeeper Cut Edge Turning Hexahedron

DeFTIA Deeper Face Turning Icosahedron. The short form of this gives the puzzle its name.
Dino CylinderA Dino Cube in cylindral shape with bright black plastic and very reduced stickers.
Dino DodecahedronThe easiest corner turning dodecahedron. The name is taken from its hexahedral cousin.

Dino OctaA face turning octahedron. Built without CAD before the age of 3D printing.
DodeRhombus PlusA cousin of the original Face Turning Rhombic Dodecahedron with the edge pieces split up which allows more jumbling.
Double Crazy CubeA Crazy 3x3x3 with 2 circles on each face.

Duo Axis CubeA cubic 3x3x5 moved into a pattern and modified back into cubic shape.
Eitan's Star mechanismThe version which was mass produced by MF8 beginning in 2013
Elite KilominxA Kilominx (a faceless megaminx) with two additional layers for every face.

Elite SkewbThe first corner turning hexahedron with 3 cuts per axis.
Grilles Cube IIA cube that allows face turns and corner turns in two depths.
Grilles IA reduced variant of Grilles II, with one set of face and corner turns.

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