Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Triple CrossUse two up-down plungers and a left-right plunger to set the 3 orange dots, a green circle and the words "Binary Arts". A grey and a blue version exists.
Triple Cross - Puzzling The WorldA variant of the Triple Cross.
TristarosTwo large circles, rotating by 60° and two small circles rotating by 120°.

TritiumThree circles intersecting each other like the Rashkey.
Try-AngleA puzzle of four intersecting circles inspired by the fidget spinner.
Tsukuda Mdamde (grey)A small version of the Tsukuda Square depicting an unknown comic character.

Tsukuda Mdamde (purple)A small version of the Tsukuda Square depicting an unknown comic character.
Tsukuda Mdamde (white)A small version of the Tsukuda Square depicting an unknown comic character.
Tsukuda Popeye (blue)A small version of the Tsukuda Square depicting popeye.

Tsukuda Popeye (green)A small version of the Tsukuda Square depicting popeye.
Tsukuda Popeye (white)A small version of the Tsukuda Square depicting popeye.
Tsukuda's Square (Coca Cola)Alternative versions of Tsukuda square with the logo of the Coca Cola company.

Tsukuda's Square (easy)The easy of three versions, depicting four sets with four mono-coloured pieces each.
Tsukuda's Square (hard)The hardest of three versions, depicting numbers 1-16.
Tsukuda's Square (hard, letters)A remake of the hardest of three versions, with letters A-P.

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