Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
SuncrossOne plunger and one rotating circle. A custom made puzzle.
Super GeraniumThe enhanced version of Geranium with five additional circles.
Super Geranium PlusThe longer pieces of Super Geranium were replaced with several smaller ones.

Super LooperThree circles on one line, each allowing 180� turns with deeper intersections.
Swissmad12 tiles in red and white make up a scross in a red body. No sursprise that this puzzles comes from Switzerland.
TRIvial circlesA 2D puzzle with two overlapping circles that share one of their 3 leaves.

Takenoscope 23A Rotascope implemented completely different.
TarazedTwo intersecting circles turning in steps of 90°. With 119 pieces.
TarnishedA puzzle inspired by the computer game Elden Ring.

TaygetaThree intersecting circles with one 8-fold rotation and two non-infinite fivefold rotation.
TetraPieA puzzle with two circles and a plunger which can exchange pieces between the circles. The circles are split in segments of eight.
TetrakiumFour circles intersecting each other like the Rashkey.

Three Moons (Triple Lotica)Four circles forming a puzzle that works like a larger version of Lotica.
TolimanThree intersecting circles that are differently sized and allow different rotations.
Toliman 2Three intersecting circles with different sizes and different rotations.

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