Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
BiRaptorThe Lotica with two additional piece types.
BiRexThe Lotica with two additional piece types and one piece type removed.
BinocoolarThree circles in different sizes. The two big ones rotate connected by gears.

BlinchikiTwo intersecting circles with 8-fold rotations.
Bram's SquareA puzzle which combines intersecting plungers with rotations of large portions.
Bubbles in a planeA 2D-puzzle that works only because it was fudged and still it demonstrates jumbling.

Buzzle Ball14 pieces rotating on a sphere divided in 3 (!) distinct layers.
CalendulaThree circles intersecting each other like the Arusloky.
Calendula VFour circles intersecting each other like the Arusloky.

CapellaA hard jumbling intersecting circle puzzle.
CapriciousSix circles that intersect at two different depths.
Casino CafeteriaA customized and more complex variant of Circle Puzzle.

CastorOne circle on the inside and five circles on the outside form a complex puzzle, derived from a theory-ladden concept.
ChileTwo intersecting plungers and one circle intersecting with each.
Chromosix Colour Ball (aka Cromoball, Mystic I.Q. Ball)This version has no markings. Simply solve by colour.

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