Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Prismatic Wheel PlusOne circle with 120° and one with 45°.
ProcyonTwo intersecting circles rotatable in five steps of unequal angle.
Pusher 1-2Two sets of two plungers which can't be moved freely.

Pusher 1-2-3Two sets of three plungers which can't be moved freely.
Puzzle Avenger (asian version)This Puzzler was made in Taiwan (not for sale in the U.S.A.)
Puzzler - AvengerRotate each half to scramble or return colours. The most difficult of the three versions.

Puzzler - ChallengerRotate each half to scramble or return colours. The variant with medium difficulty.
Puzzler - Engel's EnigmaOne of the lesser known version of Douglas' Engels Puzzlers.
Puzzler - Engel's IslandOne of the lesser known versions of Puzzler by Douglas Engel.

Puzzler - FlowersOne of the lesser known versions of Puzzler by Douglas Engel.
Puzzler - NoviceCreate a solid blue circle to solve. The simplest of three different versions.
Puzzler - PrototypeOne of the first Puzzler variants made by the inventor himself.

Puzzler - StreakerOne of the lesser known versions of Puzzler by Douglas Engel.
Puzzler - StripesOne of the lesser known versions of Puzzler by Douglas Engel.
Puzzler - TricolorOne of the lesser known versions of Puzzler by Douglas Engel.

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