Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Arecibo 3 PlusThree circles, all intersecting with each other and turning in steps of 120° with one level of unbanding.
Arecibo PlusFour (not three) intersecting circles turning in steps of 120�.
AruslokyTwo rotating circles - very similar to the Cohan Circle puzzle.

ArusloticaTwo intersecting circles, turnable by 60° and 180°.
AviorA doctrinaire puzzle consisting of two intersecting circles that can be turned by steps of 90�.
Awesome OctoRubik's like ring shaped puzzle. The puzzle turns the upper and lower half of the ring. The colours are separated in four sections.

Bandaged QuadFour intersecting circles rotated with the help of plungers restricted in their movement.
Barrier PuzzlerThe Puzzler reimplemented in two versions at once, shown on opposite sides. With some optional blocking mechanism.
Bat (2D with floating or ghost axes)A 2D puzzle with floating or ghost axes.

Battle GearsA puzzle with intersecting circles and bandaged pieces. Produced in low quantity in seven different variants.
BauhiniumTwo intersecting circles of different sizes with rotatable in two or five steps respectively.
Bauhinium PlusThree intersecting circles of different sizes with rotatable in two or five steps respectively.

Bermuda HexThree intersecting circles with irregular centers.
BiCopterTwo intersecting circles form a 2D equivalent of two edges of a curvy copter.
BiCopter Ban1/Ban2An unbandaged BiCopter or a bandaged Puzzler.

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