Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Keid 4Four circles turning in steps of 180° and one central circle to exchange pieces between them.
King RingSimilar to a Sando Ring.
Kornephoros1Two intersecting circles of different size turning in steps of eight.

Kornephoros2Three intersecting circles turning in steps of eight, eight and two.
Kornephoros3Three intersecting circles turning in steps of eight, eight and two.
Kvadratura KrugaA puzzle from the soviet era. Its title translates to "Squaring the circle"

Lace BraceletA Torus with 7 segments and 4 slices that rotate around the torus unlike tricky disky with which it share the solving method.
Leesho (1 layer)One layer and one orthogonal ring of moving tiles.
Leesho (2 layers)Two layers and one orthogonal ring of moving tiles.

Leesho (3 layers)Three layers and one orthogonal ring of moving tiles.
Leesho (4 layers)Four layers and one orthogonal ring of moving tiles.
Leesho (5 layers)Five layers and one orthogonal ring of moving tiles.

Leesho (6 layers)Six layers and one orthogonal ring of moving tiles.
Leesho (7 layers)Seven layers and one orthogonal ring of moving tiles.
Leesho (8 layers)Eight layers and one orthogonal ring of moving tiles.

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