Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Enkel KruisTwo plungers, one for each direction, intersecting orthogonally, with nine pieces, each with an individual smybol.
Equator (aka I.Q. Ball)Hollow blue "corners" with letter, number and symbol tiles.
Equator (caved in red sphere)Another variant of the Equator-puzzle. This one is based on a different patent.

Equator (green with numbers)Green with numbered tiles.
Equator (letters and smilies)There are at least three differently coloured bodies.
Equator (with slot machine symbols)A mix between a sliding tile and a twisty puzzle, since a hemisphere rotates. In different body colours.

Equator puzzleA clever, metal, tile-sliding puzzle.
Euclidean 2Two circles with 90�-turns in an immensely complex puzzle.
Euclidean 3Three circles with 90°-turns in an immensely complex puzzle.

EvoCopterA bandaged "Face of Infinity 7th Circle", and unbandaged PlanarCopter and an unbandaged BiCopter.
Expanded Planar CopterAn larger cousin of the Planar Copter with nine instead of three circles.
Face of InfinityA circle puzzle with six hexagonally arranged axes of rotation.

Face of Infinity 7th CircleA variant of the "Face of Infinity" puzzle, where the center can turn.
Face of Infinity 7th Circle UnbandagedA partially unbandaged version of the previous Face of Infinity 7th Circle puzzle.
Face of Infinity UnbandagedAn unbandaged version of The Face of Infinity.

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