Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Alamak4Two circles with eight steps of rotations. Two circles with four irregular steps of rotation. With three levels of unbandaging.
AlbireoFour intersecting circles of two pairs of differently split circles.
AldebaranTwo intersecting circles rotatable in six steps of unequal angle and a third circle rotatable by 72�.

AlgolA hard jumbling intersecting circle puzzle.
AlmaazTwo intersecting circles with the larger circle split in one circle and a ring.
AlnitakFour intersecting circles. Three of them jumbling.

AlpheratzFour intersecting circles of two pairs of differently split circles.
AndrozzleCrazy Rodium reduced by large number of pieces and with an additional small circle.
Another Double LoticaA custom made Lotica with one additional circle and only half turns for the outer circles.

Antares 12Two intersecting circles with 109 pieces, named after one of the brightest stars on the sky.
Antares 12 CrazyTwo intersecting circles turning in steps of three and six, plus an additional concentric circles turning in steps of five.
AnthinumTwo circles each turning with seven steps. A jumbling puzzle.

Aperiodic circlesFive intersecting circles in a pattern based on the recently discovered aperiodic tiling.
AreciboA two dimensional version of the Radiolarian 3 or a bandaged variant of the Sirius.
Arecibo 3Three circles, all intersecting with each other and turning in steps of 120°

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