Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Double LoticaA custom made Lotica enhanced by an additional circle.
Double TriCrazyThree circles of order 3, 2 and 3, each with two concentric turns.
Double Trilotica V3Three circles of order 3, 2 and 3 deeper intersected as the Mitsugo.

Double Trilotica V4Three circles of order 3, 2 and 3 deeper intersected as V3.
Double Trouble (sliding)16 tiles moved by three plungers.
Double WeirdTwo samples of Weird Disk 6x6 glued by design onto each other.

Dual CircleDual Circle - surprisingly enough is two interlocking circles - pieces move when the circles are turned.
Dual716 tiles moved by two plungers. A custom made puzzle similar to Tri-Trick.
DubheThree intersecting circles turning in steps of 90° and 180°

DuplexAn intersecting circle puzzle, but with a twist!
Duplex 2Two intersecting circles of which one can be twisted.
ELeVeN11 tiles moved by two plungers of different size.

Edge of InfinityA circle puzzle with two intersecting axes of rotation.
Edge of Infinity UnbandagedA partially unbandaged version of the Edge of Infinity.
EightTwo intersecting circles similar to the Lotica but of different size.

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