Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Double BiRexThe Double Lotica with two additional piece types and one piece type removed.
Double Circle PuzzleFour circles with one tile in the intersection. Every turn rotates two circles at once.
Double Circuloid V1The Double Lotica reimplemented but with a central piece.

Double Circuloid V2The Toornigan designed with three circles.
Double Circuloid V3A deeper cut version of the Double Circuloid V2
Double Circuloid V4A deeper cut version of the Double Circuloid V3

Double Circuloid V5A deeper cut version of the Double Circuloid V4
Double CrazyLoid V1The CrazyLoid with an additional second circle.
Double CrazyLoid V2The CrazyLoid V2 with an additional third circle.

Double CrazyLoid V3Three circles of order 4, 2 and 4, all with two concentric turns in different depths.
Double CrossOne plunger and two rotations used to move ten pieces.
Double Cross PlusOne plunger and two rotations combined with intersecting pieces.

Double DiskA puzzle with four rotating intersecting circles.
Double FiveThe Vertushka reimplemented with a more traditional mechanism.
Double LooperThree circles on one line, each allowing 180° turns with shallow intersections. Plus three additional inner circles almost of the same size as the outer circles.

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