Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Fracture-10 (master)A "master" version of the Fracture-10 puzzle.
Fracture-10 UnbandagedA fully unbandaged (aka: fudged) version of Fracture-10 where all axes are always capable of 90 degree moves.
Fracture-12A truncated hexagonal dipyramid turning on six equatorial vertices.

Fracture-6Fracture-6 is a six sided analog to the Fracture-10 puzzle.
Fractured CubeA vertex-turning jumbling tetrakis hexahedron.
Fractured Curvy Copter IIIThe Curvy Copter III with a set of additional cuts usable only for jumbling turns. Third in a series of five.

Fractured Curvy Copter Octahedron IIIThe Fractured Curvy Copter III in shape of an octahedron. Third in a series of five.
Fractured Curvy Copter Octahedron III PlusThe Fractured Curvy Copter III Plus 2 in shape of an octahedron. Fourth in a series of five.
Fractured Curvy Copter Octahedron III Plus 2The Fractured Curvy Copter III Plus 2 in shape of an octahedron. Fifth in a series of five.

Fractured Curvy Dino Rhombic Dodecahedron V3A rhombic dodecahedron with two different axis systems and a set of additional cuts that allows 60° corner turns plus one step of unbandaging.
Fractured MadnessA face turning pentagonal dipyramid. It allows only jumbling turns.
Fractured PrismThe Fracture-10 puzzle in shape of a pentagonal prism.

Fractured Prism PlusA pentagonal prism that allows some 90° turns on the five sides.
Fractured TetrahedronA "fracture sliced" triakis tetrahedron, with four axes of rotation.
Fractured curvy copter III plusThe Curvy Copter III with a set of additional cuts usable only for jumbling turns. Fourth in a series of five.

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