Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Skewbie CubeTo quote the inventor: "Cubies are overrated."
Skewby FTRD plusHybrid of a Skewb and a face turning rhombic dodecahedron with one level of unbandaging.
SkiamondA corner turning dodecahedron (or face turning icosahedron) transformed into the shape of a rhombic triacontahedron.

Skull of souls 2x2x2A 2x2x2 in shape of a skull.
SkyglobeA face turning Truncated Triakis Tetrahedron. The slightest of fudged puzzles.
Skyglobe OriginalThe Skyglobe in shape of a triakis tetrahedron.

Skyglobe UltimateTwelve segments, one rotating circle and one moving hole.
Slice 7x7x7A 7x7x7 with restricted movements.
Slice Gear CubeLooks like a 3x3x3 but combines at least four different concepts into one new creation.

Slice KilominxLooks like a cloned Kilominx but allows only slice turns.
Slice MegaminxA slices-only-version of the megaminx.
Slice SkewbThis puzzle combines a Skewb and Slice-Only 3x3x3.

Slide AlongCould be viewed as another variant of Peters Black Hole but this wouldn't do the ingenuity of the mechanism any justice.
Slide Skewb Rhombic DodecahedronA Skewb Rhombic Dodecahedron combined with a Moving Hole puzzle.
Slide dodecahedron30 edge pieces of a dodecahedron minus one hole in which four of the adjacent pieces can be moved into.

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