Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Block 233A 5x5x5 bandaged with one single block sized 2x3x3.
Brass 5x5x5The first functional 5x5x5 ever, although the inventor never patented it.
Bump Bihedron 5x5x5The Bihedron 5x5x5 reimplemented in a bumped form.

Bump ChangeThe bumped version of the recently presented Pocket Change.
Bump Shape changeable 5x5x5 IA bumped version of the Bump Shape changeable 5x5x5 I
Caged Real 5x5x5The second 5x5x5 with a 3x3x3 inside of it.

Center Variants Bandaged Cube 5x5x5A bandaged 5x5x5 with nine blocks size 1x3. Bandaged in a strangely half symmetrical pattern.
Chimera 5x5x5A bandaged 5x5x5 inspired by the AI Cube, slightly different compared with the Chimera Shift.
Chimera Mix BridgesEight bandaged 5x5x5s connected with twelve bridges each consisting of a non-functional 2x2x3 glued to adjacent bandaged blocks.

Chimera ShiftA bandaged 5x5x5 inspired by the "Bandaged Chimera Cube".
Chinese Mahjong 5x5x5A 5x5x5 covered with Mahjong symbols.
Colorful Snake Cube 5x5x5A 5x5x5 with several stickers removed to give the impression of a snake going through all sides of the cube.

Core CubeA 5x5x5 with a shape akin the Cross Cube but still equivalent to the original puzzle.
Corner Rubik'sThree bandaged 5x5x5s, inspired by the Razer Cube
Cornerless 5x5x5A 5x5x5 which corner-pieces are hidden under extended wing pieces.

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