Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Doctrinaire axis system with fractional angles (corner turning hexahedron)
Kaleidoscope Ball PlusA sphere with a tetrahedral axis system that allows 60°-turns. An unbandaged version of Kaleidoscope Ball.
Pillow Sun PyraminxA reduced variant of Split Jing's Pyraminx, lacking one piece type.
Pyra Time MachineA Pyraminx with six-segmented circles on each face.

Rapture Dino CubeThe geometry of the 60°-moves-corner turning hexahedron implemented twice in one puzzle.
Riddle SkewbThe Offset Skewb which allows 60° turns.
SkyglobeA face turning Truncated Triakis Tetrahedron. The slightest of fudged puzzles.

Skyglobe OriginalThe Skyglobe in shape of a triakis tetrahedron.
Skyglobe UltimateTwelve segments, one rotating circle and one moving hole.
Split Jing's PyraminxThe puzzles name suggests it is a variant of Jings Pyraminx but it is indeed a puzzle with a completely new mechanism.

Super PyraminxA Pyraminx which allows 60� turns.
Super Pyraminx BallA hollow sphere with tetrahedral axis system that allows 60°-turns.
Wheels of CourageThe puzzle is a pyraminx with disks that can turn 60 degree.

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