Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Stainless Steel 2x2x3This is a custom 2x2x3 welded and fabricated out of 1/8" stainless steel, nuts and bolts.
Staircase CubeModified 2x2x2 cube with extra pieces glued on to form staircase shape.
Stalk BallA Rubiks Sphere with the corner pieces hidden under customized plastic sheet.

Star BarrelA 3x3x3 in a shape similar to a barrel. Made as an exercise in casting.
Star Cap MasterballBoth center layers on this USA Masterball variation are all white.
Star Circle CubeA circle cube with pentagonally divided circles.

Star Ferry CubeA 2x2x2 in shape of the ferries known from Hong Kong.
Star PrismA very attractive Square-1 mod.
Star Prism (2 Layer)The two-layer version of the Square-1 Star Prism mod.

Star PuckA pentagonal domino in shape of a cylinder and showing a beautiful pentagram.
Star TetraminxA "Curvy hexagram" aka "Star Pyraminx" modified but truncating heavily the tips.
Star TurnA Ghost Floppy Cube extended into a star-like shape.

Star Wars 2x2x2 (200 mm)A very big and very heavy 2x2x2 with a StarWars theme.
Star you, Star meA 3x3x3 with fourteen sides and painted with two different pokemons.
StarburstA face turning icosahedron in shape of "Compound of five octahedra".

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