Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Heraldic FloppyA very creative combination of different basic building techniques.
Hercules Beetle 3x3x3A 3x3x3 redesigned to resemble the namegiving insect.
Herschel enneahedron CubeA jumble prism transformed into the shape of the name giving solid.

Hex DominoA two-layer hexagonal prism with 6 rectangular faces.
Hex Domino Half Black Rainbow PuckA two-layered hexagonal prism in shape of a cylinder and stickered like a rainbow puck.
Hex Prism 1 Corner Pocket CubeA Hex Prism 1 bandaged like the 3 Quads, 3 Stripes.

Hex Prism 1 Face Pocket CubeA Hex Prism 1 bandaged like the 3 Quads, 3 Stripes.
Hex Prism 2A 3x3x3 in shape of a hexagonal prism.
Hex Prism 3Another hexagonal prism from a 3x3x3. Same diameter as version 2 but larger height.

Hex Prism TowerTwo enclosed cubes fused into a siamese variant and with the tips chopped off.
Hex Prism in cubeA shape variant of the insanity cube.
Hex boxA 2x2x2 transformed into a hexagonal prism.

Hex prism (3 layers)A piece shuffle of the Square-1 in shape of a hexagonal prism.
Hex-1A Square-1 truncated into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid
Hex-2A handmade Square-2 truncated into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.

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