Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Moving: Tiles
Gamma (aka Colour Spectre)A soviet produced cousin of the Gripple. It comes with several differently coloured bodies.
Gear 2x2x3A 2x2x3 with the turns on the long axis connected by gears.
Gear GeraniumThree circles intersecting like the puzzler. The outer two are connected with a gear meachanism.

Gear Octagonal PrismAn Octagonal Prism with three layers with the turns between the layers connected by gears.
GeraniumFive intersecting circles cut with 5-fold symmetry imposing unprecedented theoretical challenges.
Geranium ButterflyA version of Geranium with six circles in a line-like pattern similar to the olympic rings.

Geranium EclipseA Pocket Geranium with an additional circle.
Geranium PlusGeranium with split pieces.
Geranium VA cousin to the original Geranium.

Geranium WA bigger version of Geranium with twentyone circles in a flower-like pattern.
Gerdig UFOSpin the top/bottom half to mix the satellites, then use the central plunger to flip one, two, three or four satellites over.
GienahRashkey 3 (and 2!) in a puzzle with 120° turns.

Gienah 2The Gineah with different cutting depths.
Gienah olympicGienah extended to five circles.
Gienah2 tripleGienah2 extended with an additional third circle.

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