Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

5x5x5 Ball (Mini)An Eastsheen 4x4x4 truncated and transformed into a sphere.
5x5x5 Bipiramide HexagonalA 5x5x5 transformed into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid, axised by 30°.
5x5x5 Burr MirrorThe Wall5 combined with the concept of the Bump Cube.

5x5x5 Christmas TreeA 5x5x5 transformed into the shape of a christmas tree.
5x5x5 Corner Block CubeA 5x5x5 bandaged similar to the AI Cube.
5x5x5 CylinderAn Eastsheen 5x5x5 truncated into the shape of a cylinder.

5x5x5 Diametric HexahedronAn asymmetric trigonal dipyramid with a 5x5x5 as the core.
5x5x5 Diamond CubeA 5x5x5 truncated into a hexagonal dipyramid and then further truncated.
5x5x5 Dodecagonal BipyramidA 5x5x5 in shape of the namegiving solid.

5x5x5 DodecahedronA V-Cube 5 truncated and extended into a dodecahedron.
5x5x5 Double Axis CubeA higher order version of the original Double Axis cube.
5x5x5 EggA 5x5x5 modified into the shape of an egg.

5x5x5 Esférico HollowA 3x3x3 shaped like a sphere, achieved by cage-like extensions.
5x5x5 Fisher CubeA 5x5x5 in turned by 45� inside of its solid, thereby recreating the Fisher Cube.
5x5x5 GyroidA 5x5x5 covered with Gyroid pieces

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