Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

KevinA megaminx transformed into a pentagonal obelisk.
KilomoidThe completed version of Kilomoid.
KleinminxA shape variant of the megaminx inspired by a Penrose Cube.

KleinmoidA combination of the megamoid and the Kleinminx. A megaminx without two layers but with curved faces.
Large Icosahedron MegaminxAn icosahedron megaminx custom made from a bandaged Gigaminx.
Large Rhombic Triacontahedron MegaminxA Rhombic Triacontahedron Megaminx made from a bandaged Gigaminx

Logic StarBasically a corners only megaminx in a very regular star shape.
A member of the Globall family.
Map MegaminxA custom sticker variation of the megaminx adapted from the "6 corners of the world".
Mega X CubeA megaminx in shape of a stellated octahedron

Mega-ShardA megaminx transformed into a shard.
MegaHPA Megaminx transformed into the shape of hexagonal prism.
MegaRDA Megaminx transformed into the shape of rhombic dodecahedron though on three faces the puzzle still looks like the original megaminx.

MegabarrilA megaminx in shape of a cylinder with the top and down faces reduced to almost nothing.
MegabiconoA megaminx in shape of a bicone.
Megaconix KondeBicone Megaminx

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