Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Hexagonal Dipyramid-like Truncated MegaminxA megaminx regularly truncated on six corners to create an eighteen-sided shape which remembers one of a Hexagonal Dipyramid.
Hexagonal prism megaminxAnother megaminc in this shape but with a completely differently aligned axis system.
HexaminxA Megaminx in shape of a hexahedron.

Hipertwist HexaminxA megaminx reshaped into a strange solid.
Hungarian SupernovaThe earliest face turning dodecahedron.
IQ King - AdvanceA white plastic version of the megaminx. One of three versions.

IQ King - ElementaryA white plastic version of the megaminx. One of three versions.
IQ King - IntermediateA white plastic version of the megaminx. One of three versions.
Icosahedron MegaminxA Megaminx transformed into its dual solid shape.

IcosamoidA corner turning pentagonal anti prism with curvy cuts.
IcositetranovaA Megaminx truncated into the shape of a tetrakis hexahedron.
Identity CrisisA megaminx-like puzzle transformed into the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron. It uses spherical cuts.

Illusion MegaminxUnstickered Megaminx presented in a "checkerboard" pattern using white and black plastic parts.
Inverted MegaminxA megaminx with heavily reduced corners.
InvertiminxA megaminx, reduced to three sides, was turned inside-out.

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