Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Megaminx SphereMegaminx in shape of a sphere
Megaminx barrel biconoA megainx in shape between a cylinder and a bicone.
MegaminxdiikosaederThe predecessor of the Octahinx. A megaminx regularly truncated on eight corners.

MegamitosisTwo megaminxes fused into an puzzle with six turning faces left for each halve.
Megamix TetraedroA megaminx shaped like a Tetrahedron and ghosted
MegamoidA megaminx minus twenty pieces but still fully functional.

Megamoid IIA megaminx with three sides completely truncated.
MegapentixTwo megaminx's fused together.
MegatwistA shape transformation of the megaminx. Closely related to the Twisted Starminx.

MegtatwinxTwo megaminxes fused to a single puzzle by connecting two corner pieces.
MetamorfixA member of the Globall family. Compared with the Globall ten pieces of the "Flower"-variant replace pieces on the Globall.
MicrominxA very small megaminx with an edge length of only 7 mm.

MineminxA truncated megaminx in a strange star-like shape.
Mini 25-minx decagonal prismA decagonal barrel made out of a megamoid.
Mini HexaminxA reimplementation of the Curvy Hexaminx with just 33 mm

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